Wednesday 16 November 2011

White Knight Associates Still believe that you can benefit from investing in solar panels.

White Knight Associates believe that switching from sole reliance on fossil fuels to green energy technologies such as solar panels and heat pumps can still earn you up to £1,000 a year tax free, for 25 years guaranteed up until the end of 2011.

By installing new government- incentivised micro generation systems, UK home owners can now get paid with the feed in tariffs for the power they generate using PV solar panels, in addition to the savings made from energy bills.

White Knight Associates found that Solar panels have become a more attractive proposition as energy suppliers continue to increase their charges domestically and commercially.

Ofgem are now warning us to expect at least a 20% electricity price hike by 2020, and also advised that future supplies were in jeopardy because of peak oil problems. Scottish Power has been the most recent energy company to begin this upward trend, announcing its intention to amplify the price of gas by 19% and electricity by 10%.

For more information on solar panels please contact us on 02033847230 alternatively visit our website:

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